Thursday, September 27, 2007


Cognitive Information Processing
Meaningful Learning
Schema Theory

We will be given an example online and be asked to analyze it based on these theories of learning.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Wikipedia: Schema Theory

Wikipedia: Schema Theory is a theory of learning. Schemata are models suggesting relationships between objects. They are learned and structure future learning. (Schemata is the plural and schema is the singular form of this word.)

The theory hypothesizes that the schema a person uses during learning will determine how the learner interprets the task to be learned, how the learner understands the information, and what knowledge the learner acquires.

Plato elaborates the Greek doctrine of ideal types – such as the perfect circle that exists in the mind but which no one has ever seen. Kant further developed the notion and introduced the word schema. For example, he describes the "dog" schema a mental pattern which "can delineate the figure of a four-footed animal in a general manner, without limitation to any single determinate figure as experience, or any possible image that I can represent in concreto." (Kant 1781).

Since that time, many other terms have been used as well, including "frame," "scene," "scenario," "script" and even "model", "theory". Key theoretical development of schema theory was made in several fields, including linguistics, anthropology, psychology and artificial intelligence. The heyday of schema theory was probably in the 1970s (although of course in OB it has barely arrived). One of the main engines was artificial intelligence, which was engaged in getting computers to read natural text. It was quickly discovered that most of what is communicated in a newspaper article cannot be understood without reference to a great deal of information that is not included in the article itself. For example, consider this story from D’Andrade (1995):

John wanted to do well on the exam, but his pen ran out of ink and his pencil broke. He tried to find a pencil sharpener, but there wasn't one in the room. Finally he borrowed a pen from another student. By then he was so far behind he had to rush, and the teacher took off points for poor penmanship.

To understand this story, you have to understand the writing schema because the text itself leaves unstated the connection between John running out of ink and his not being able to work on the exam.
Retrieved from ""

Categories: Articles to be merged since February 2007 | Psychological adjustment |

Thursday, September 6, 2007


One main argument against Behaviorism is that it is manipulative.
Behaviorists say it is not.

Behavior Modification can change any behavior, but can it change the person? Can it change the person inside?

Task Analysis - can reveal that some problems are not solved by instruction, some are solved other ways, such as with performance improvement (uncomfortable safety goggles example)
See ISPI - International Society for Performance Improvement
They analyze performance, processes, productivity
People can become certified performance technologists
A different field, but similar principles to instructional design